Welcome to Kent's Travel Crossword Puzzle--Rejoice!

   I made this years ago when I lived in Hungary, hence a couple of obscure Hungarian references here and there.
   This is best worked on while commuting on a bus or train or maybe during a flight. It could also be an excellent icebreaker to share with your driver while hitchhiking. I hope you enjoy it and I encourage you to pass it on to your friends.
   In that vein, click here for a 2 page printable version.
   It's not so easy to make one of these and then come up with straightforward clues, so feel free to email me if you want to argue about something. (Email address is on the bottom of the homepage.)
    Scroll down for the answers.

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to kentfoster.com

1-South Pacific country, capital Suva
5-Copenhagen's Airport suburb
12-"Pink Panther" composer
13-A Dixie State
18-Central Europe's largest body of water
20-Reject at immigration
21-USA racist group
22-Infamous prison: "___ Hilton"
24-Its world HQ are in NY (abbreviation)
25-Valley in Kenya
26-It separates Latvia & Sweden
27-Top quality
30-Mountain lion
31-Part of UK (abbr)
33-Figure out (British slang)
34-Tennis star ___ Ivanisevic
35-Way of carrying money abroad (abbr)
36-1966 Stevie Wonder song
39-Whitman specialties
40-Johnny Rotten band
41-Method of cooking
42-Where Stalin, Churchill and Ike met
43-Not crazy
45-Sport or concert venues
47-____ Cross, Sydney
49-____ Empire
50-Found in Luxor, Egypt
51-Abbey Road song "___ King"
53-Clinton is a famous one (abbr)
54-Used to have a border with USSR
57-Volleyball position
60-People from what was South-West Africa
62-Are they mirages?
64-Cain's brother
65-Cardinal ___
67-Distant part of Chile (abbr)
69-Go underwater
72-Chicago's South ____
73-Nova ____
75-Borders Albania
78-A doctrine; also former CIA head
79-Withdrew from 1984 Summer Olympics
80-Shot in NY, 1980

              back to the top

2- ___ Nagy, 1956 Hungarian hero
3-India's "Pink City"
4-4th largest country by population
5-Scottish garment
6-Common female name in Spain
7-Remote state in India
8-Capital of Morocco
9-Capital of Mongolia: ___ Bator
11-Language in Spain
14-Archipelago nation near USA
15-___ Blanc
16-Applying oil in a religious ceremony
17-Newspaper item
19-Mythical dwarf
23-Spikes of 68 DOWN
25-Northern USA's depressed ___ Belt
26-Teak & opium center
28-Beer containers
29-Unsuccessful 1987 Hoffman & Beatty movie
30-Byron, Joyce et al
32-Capital of Haiti: Port-___-Prince
34-Syria wants it back from Israel
37-"___ Spring", 1968
38-Capital of Ontario
39-Country with the barrier to stop you from driving from Alaska to Argentina
40-"Bread" in Japanese & Spanish
42-North & South were united in 1990
43-SE Alaskan town
44-The most untidy
46-Fishing necessity
47-Japan wants these islands back from Russia
50-London metro
52-Catholic religious order
54-Annexed by China in 1951
55-A flag or a rank
56-Small CA border town to Tijuana: San ___
58-A sense
59-First name of a female country singer
61-___ Carta
63-Republic inside Italy (abbr)
66-Type of sign in a bar window
68-Congealed water
70-Large flightless bird
71-Commit a crime
72-Malaysian coin
74-Canadian province (abbr)
76-Common article used in 39 DOWN
77-Compass direction: 79 ACROSS to 14 DOWN
OK, I give up. Show me the answers.

Are you really sure you want the answers? Consider giving it another try.
Show some Japanese-style, never-say-die resolve!
Find that special something from within and fight on!

You're right.
I shall perform yoga, meditate & persevere.
At your earliest convenience please
Take me back to the top
(Deep bow.)

Look you scumbag!
These stupid clues are making me berserk!

And finally, the very pompous:    This page © Copyright 2010, Kent Foster